Dollar Overcapacity
In the Setpember issue of Strategic Investment (which by the way you'll be able to get online today) I write about "Dollar Disinvestment." It's the idea that sooner or later, there will be so many dollars in the world, and so much government, corporate, and consumer debt, that ivnestors, especially foreigners, will no longer want to own dollars. Exhibit A: here, in black and white terms: "Treasury prices extended early losses on Wednesday after an auction of new two-year paper drew only tepid demand at a time when the supply of government debt is ballooning." Supply doesn't always create its own demand. This is debt/dollar overcapacity. And it's going to affect the ability of the U.S. government to finance its debt and its wars. Reueters reports that "The $25 billion of notes fetched a yield of 2.04 percent having steadily climbed from 1.97 percent in when-issued trading this morning. The sale drew bids for only 1.73 times the amount on offer, just below the 1.80 average of the last three auctions." And there's this revealing quote from Michael Cloherty at CSFB, "It looks like foreign central banks were reluctant to show up for this sale." There will be a lot more reluctance in the future if the the Congressional Budget Office figures on the Federal deficit are right. CBO now projects a $400 billion for this year. That's $150 billion more than before the war in Iraq. CBO says over the next 10-years the deficit could reach $1.4 trillion. And this does not include the $400 billion required to pay for the new Medicare prescription drug benefit. Nor does it include the billions more the President is about to ask Congress for to help rebuild Iraq. The President's own man in Iraq, Paul Bremer, says the Iraqi reconstruction could cost as much as $100 billion by the time it's all done. (not bad news if your'e Bechtel, which had its contract for Iraqi reconsruction almost doubled yesterday by $350 million dollars.) But how are bonds and the dollar reacting to the higher deficits and the lukewarm treasury auction? Take a look at a 3-month chart, courtesy of, that shows falling bond prices on the two indexes that I use to trade government bonds. IEF is Lehman's 7-10 year bond index. TLT is its 20-year bond index.

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